Daily newspapers in Maine
List of Maine newspapers featuring sports, politics, jobs, education, tourism, lifestyles, travel, real estate, healthcare, business, and more.
Augusta Kennebec Journal
Daily morning newspaper was founded in 1825. The Kennebec Journal is one of the oldest newspapers in Maine.
Bangor Bangor Daily News
Brunswick Times Record
Serving the communities of mid coast Maine and beyond.
Lewiston Sun-Journal (Androscoggin County)
Portland Portland Press Herald
Waterville Morning Sentinel
One of the largest daily newspapers published in Waterville, Maine. The newspaper distributed in Kennebec, Somerset, Franklin, and Penobscot counties.
Non-daily newspapers in Maine
Auburn Twin City Times
Bangor Maine Edge
Bar Harbor Mount Desert Islander (Hancock County)
Belfast Republican Journal (Waldo County)
Bethel Bethel Citizen
Biddeford Biddeford-Saco-OOB Courier
Blue Hill Weekly Packet
Boothbay Boothbay Register (Lincoln County)
Bridgton Bridgton News (Cumberland County)
Bucksport Bucksport Enterprise
Calais Calais Advertiser (Washington County)
Camden Camden Herald
Cape Elizabeth Cape Courier
Caribou Aroostook Republican (Aroostook County)
Castine Castine Patriot (Hancock County)
Dexter Eastern Gazette community newspaper
Eastport Quoddy Tides
Published 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.
Ellsworth Ellsworth American (Hancock County)
Falmouth Forecaster
Serving southern Maine from Scarborough to Bath.
Farmington Livermore Falls Advertiser
Farmington Franklin Journal
Fort Kent Fiddlehead Focus (Aroostook County)
Serving Greater Fort Kent and the Greater Madawaska areas of the St. John Valley in Aroostook County.
Gorham Gorham Times
Published every other Thursday.
Harpswell Harpswell Anchor
Kennebunk York County Coast Star
Kingfield Irregular (Franklin County)
Machias Machias Valley News Observer (Washington County)
Milo Three Rivers News
Newcastle Lincoln News
Newport Rolling Thunder Express
Norway Advertiser Democrat (Oxford County)
Old Town Penobscot Times
Portland Mainebiz
Rockland Free Press, (Knox County)
Rockland Courier-Gazette (Knox County)
Rumford Rumford Falls Times
Stonington Compass Classifieds
Stonington Island Ad-Vantages (Hancock County)
Waterboro Reporter
Wiscasset Wiscasset Newspaper
Serving Lincoln County and its neighboring communities.
Windham Windham Eagle
Student newspapers in Maine
Bates Student (Bates College)
Bowdoin Orient
Weekly student newspaper of Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine.
Free Press (University of Southern Maine)
Maine Campus (University of Maine)
The Colby Echo (Colby College)